Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Online Start Ups

Vietnam is gaining a reputation as a place where entrepreneurship is valued as the following part of an article from the BBC explains.

Ngan Lee runs a technology forum. In a high rise rooftop bar she told me that Wi-Fi in Ho Chi Minh City is faster and cheaper than any other South East Asian city.
The whole of the city of Da Nang has free Wi-Fi - families even use it when they head out to the park.
It helps explain why more than 40 million of Vietnam's 90 million population are online.


Dream-plex in central Ho Chi Minh city is the kind of trendy, co-working space you'd find in California.

Dream-plex co-working space
Image captionDream-plex is part of the California-style vibe to parts of the city

A large open plan office with kitchen and games room where people can rent desk space and benefit from chatting to others who are dreaming big. The people I spoke to here had almost all been educated overseas or had recently arrived in the country.
They were all excited about the opportunities afforded by the hustle and fast pace of this city.
As one recent arrival told me about this ancient city: "Vietnam is a start-up". 

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